Measure Your Success

Measure Your Success

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Age Requirement: From 14 Years
Time Range
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Have you “been there”… looking down at a number on the scale that doesn’t make sense? Then you quickly start replaying the week’s events, food, and workouts in your head, trying to figure out where you “slipped”? Is it your metabolism? Was it the cheese on Thursday night? Or, not enough cardio? Ugh – the feelings of defeat and hopelessness start to creep in. Believe me… I’ve been there.

That's why, after working with hundreds of weight loss clients over the years, I encourage people to focus on and celebrate the non scale victories along the way. For people with body composition goals, I recommend progress photos and measurements. For overall wellness, I recommend celebrating things like better sleep, strength gains, energy levels, positive habit changes. Big wins come from mini milestones
Have you “been there”… looking down at a number on the scale that doesn’t make sense? Then you quickly start replaying the week’s events, food, and workouts in your head, trying to figure out where you “slipped”? Is it your metabolism? Was it the cheese on Thursday night? Or, not enough cardio? Ugh – the feelings of defeat and hopelessness start to creep in. Believe me… I’ve been there.

That's why, after working with hundreds of weight loss clients over the years, I encourage people to focus on and celebrate the non scale victories along the way. For people with body composition goals, I recommend progress photos and measurements. For overall wellness, I recommend celebrating things like better sleep, strength gains, energy levels, positive habit changes. Big wins come from mini milestones
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